Quality Volunteers
In pursuit of the mission of the college which is reflected even in its crest, it has committed itself to perform its role as an agent of change in the society. Recognising the importance of commitment to society on part of the students, the college has initiated wings of NCC (Boys), NCC (Girls), YRC, Rangers and Rovers, NSS and Quality Volunteers.
The Unique Group of Quality Volunteers has been created to focus on issues of quality in all aspects of institutional activities. The Quality Volunteers represent the search for quality in all aspects of institutional life. The administrative process, the academic process and cultural aspects and the social outreach programmes are areas where the Quality Volunteers are mandated to give their feedback. The practice of creating an elite team of students, the Quality Volunteers will definitely impact the operation of any institution.
Philosophy of Quality Volunteers:
- I am a proud Indian
- I will practice and inspire quality in all spheres of life.
- I will think and act without bias.
- I am the agent of change for my society.
- I am the link between my college and the community.
Officer In-Charge of Quality Volunteer
- Mr. Subhendu Kumar Mohanty
- Mrs. Aliva Behura
- Dr. Prachi Prava Nayak