Jayee Rajguru Library

Prananath College (Autonomous), Khordha is the premier Institution for Higher Education in the State of Odisha and has completed 63 years of its existence. The Central Library, known as Jayee Rajguru Library, was established with a small number of books in the foundation year 1959 of the College. The Jayee Rajguru library is the hub of all academic activities providing access to knowledge and information to the college community. Its double storied building has spacious reading halls and compact stack area. Presently the Library holds 69,500 books including UGC, Book Bank, S.S.G./TBL and subscribes various national and international journals. The library also provides access to the different online journals under various consortiums from which more than 10,000 e-journals, full text article and e-books may be browsed and downloaded. The Library also subscribes 14 daily newspapers, 21 reputed magazines. The Library is using open source library management software “Smart Library” and implemented different technologies that are used most commonly in university libraries: Barcodes, RFID, and IoT for its smooth functioning of circulation operations. The Central Library serves its users from 9.00A.M. to 5.00 P.M. in all working days.

Search all Resources @JR e-Library
- Search All Resources @JR Library (https://eresources.oshec.in/)
- Study through National Digital Library of India (NDLI) (https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in)
- The National Library (https://www.nationallibrary.gov.in/)
- National Library & Information Services (https://nlist.inflibnet.ac.in/)
- National Council of Educational Research and Training (https://epathshala.nic.in/)
- The National Library Online Catalogue (http://opac.nationallibrary.gov.in/)
- The World’s Largest Library Catalog (https://www.worldcat.org/)
- E-Shodhsindhu (https://ess.inflibnet.ac.in/)
- E-Shodhganga (http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in)
- e-Granthalaya (http://oslibrary.nic.in/)
- Odisha State Archive (https://www.odishaarchives.nic.in/)
- E-Library in Odisha State Archives to ensure easy access to books, old records
- Open Access e–Resources, Central Library, IIT Bhubaneswar (http://library.iitbbs.ac.in)
- Digital Libraries in India (http://digitaltecho.weebly.com)
- Major Digital libraries in India –Institute of science, Nagpur. (https://www.iscnagpur.ac.in/)
- Digital Library- c-DAC (https://www.cdac.in/)
- World Digital Library (https://www.loc.gov/)
- Wiley Online Library (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/)
- Welcome to Open Library | Open Library (https://openlibrary.org/)
- Online Library British council (https://www.britishcouncil.in/)
- Online Library and Publication Platform (https://www.oapen.org/)
- best eBook Converter, free online libraries in India (https://www.epubor.com/)
Library at a Glance:
- Established:
- 1959
- Professor I/C:
- Dr. Binodini Mishra, Associate Professor
- Librarians:
- Mr. Sahadev Parida, B. A. & B. Lib. Sc.
- Mr. Manoj Kumar Samantaray, B. A. & B. Lib. Sc.
- Mrs. Madhusmita Rout, M. A. & M. Lib. Sc.
- Mrs. Sanghamitra Mangaraj, B. A., M. Lib. Sc. & PGDLAN
- Attendants:
- Mr. Dinesh Behera
- Mr. Basudeba Sethy
- Collection:
- 69447 (+3:46610, +2: 22837)
- Current Periodicals:
- 35
- No. of Encyclopedia, Autobiography, Reference Books & Dictionary:
- 2307
- No. of CDs of study materials:
- 420
- Total seating capacity in Library:
- 50
- Membership:
- 6544
- Working Hours:
- 8 am – 5 pm [all working days]
- Automation:
- Fully computerized
- Library Management Software:
- "smart library"
- Email:
- jrlibpnca@gmail [dot] com