Eco Club
The Ministry of Environment and Forest, Govt. of India launched a programme called “National Green Corps” in the year 2001-02. The main objectives of this programmes are that to provide environmental education and awareness in schools as well as in colleges by conducting programmes like rally, padayatra, cleanliness drive, gardening, raising of nursery, seed bank, making puppets from waste polythenes etc. Based upon these objectives eco clubs have been formed all around India in schools and colleges.
An Eco-Club has been established in our college since 2004, under the auspices of Dept of Botany. It is a platform on which students are educated and encouraged to improve the environmental of our institution. The Eco Club thus provides a wonderful opportunity to create awareness and build attitude towards constructive action relating to environment and its associated problem. The Club has been managing to do the action based activities like, Plantation of Trees, Cleanliness drives, reducing pollution both within and outside the college campus, including beautification of the selected roadside areas, public places etc. Each and every student of the college can be a member of such club by enrolling his/her name.